Download multiple page event log in one CSV


Download multiple page event log in one CSV

I am trying to download an Event Log, but the results I'm filtering for take multiple pages. If I choose the button to download the CSV, it's only a CSV for the content currently on display, not the FULL set of results I've filtered for. Is it possible to just download the filtered log in one go? I don't want to have to download, page 2, download, page 3, download, page 4.... and then have to merge who knows how many CSV files into one.

5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Sorry, but I think you can only download one page at a time.


Any chance you can use the filter to reduce the number of events?


Any chance you can use the filter to reduce the number of events?

I wish, but no. I'm trying to get a list of all blocked websites. It's a long list that spans a few pages. Unless there's a way to aggregate the date ( blocked x-times). But i'm not aware of such a method. 

Head in the Cloud

I've been requesting this feature for years now...

BHC Resorts IT Department


I've been requesting this feature for years now...

Not what I wanted to hear.

Getting noticed

We need this also. Having to download logs a page at a time and then collating all of them is painful.

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