This may seem like a stupid question, but I can't seem to find the answer. It would make sense to me for to only include currently online clients, but I want to be sure.
We have a branch with an MX68, which has a client recommendation of up to 50 clients. At the moment of writing this post, this location has 122 clients devices in the network-wide > clients section. However when I filter to online clients it has only 32. This should be fine right? As long as the online clients never reach more than 50, the MX68 should be able to handle the traffic fine, right?
I ask because we are getting complaints that everything is really slow at this location. We are trying to figure out what is causing it. This is our biggest branch, so I had the thought that an MX68 might not be enough for it. With there being 122 including offline, I suppose it's possible that it goes over 50 clients at some point that I'm not monitoring it. But I don't want to buy a MX84 (200 client recommendation) and it not solve anything.