Different Site-to-Site-VPN on WAN1 and WAN2

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Different Site-to-Site-VPN on WAN1 and WAN2

I have some MX67, where I have switched LAN2 to WAN2. On WAN1 I have my primary Fiber connection, and on WAN2 I have a Mobile-router.

I have different VLANs, where most of these at configured to communicate through our site-to-site-vpn.

One of these VLANs are for surveillance camera. If our fiber breaks down, we switch to our mobile connection.

Is it possible to configure the camera VLAN not to communicate when we are om mobile?

We has SD-WAN license for our MX.

Can it be configured by "Firewall rules" or "SD-WAN & traffic shaping"?

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

You will want to configure appropriate Cellular Firewall rules for this use case, to block that camera traffic:   contact Meraki Support and you can have them apply this ruleset to wired WAN2:  https://documentation.meraki.com/MX/Firewall_and_Traffic_Shaping/MX_Firewall_Settings#Cellular_Failo...


You could also maybe think about a future where you don't have to move all that video around your network (?):   with Meraki MV cameras the footage is stored locally, which means you avoid the cost of transporting the 98%+ of footage most people never need to look at.   Metadata generated by the camera and uploaded to the cloud still allows you to find, access & save just your 'interesting' footage, really quickly:    https://documentation.meraki.com/MV/MV_Smart_Camera_FAQ#General_MV_FAQs

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