As my name indicates, I am pretty new to networking. I have an IP camera that suddenly lost its IP address and can only get one via DHCP. It went offline and started broadcasting Discover packets to get a new IP. From what I can see there are offers being sent to the camera but it is not requesting one of the two IPs that are being offered. Meraki is showing that on the port no offers are being received by the camera but when I do a packet capture on that specific port it shows that the offer is getting there. I did notice that on the offer packet it includes the IP address that is being offered as the destination and I do not think that is correct, but I could be wrong (ex. OFFER PACKET source: DHCP server IP / MAC , destination: DHCP offered IP / Camera MAC). DHCP relay is turned on and directed towards the DHCP Server.
Note: Camera did work when plugged into another switch and gained a new IP dynamically for testing.
Don't ask me why it is setup this way lol I am not the Architect or Engineer.
Thank you for any help in advance.