@cmr @PhilipDAth
Thanks for the feedbacks. The solution was different though and I will summarize here in case someone else has the same problem.
When upgrading to version MX 15.41 or higher the DHCP requests from the MX to the switches are not sent from its MAC address anymore. It now sends all requests from its virtual MAC address and the switches only accepted DHCP requests from the MAC addresses of the physical MX. The settings to whitelist the virtual mac address on the switches can be found here: Switch -> DHCP servers & ARP.
To find the virtual MAC of the MX, do the following conversion:
The first 3 octets of the VRRP LAN are always the same (cc:03:d9). The last three are the last 3 octets of the MAC address of the primary MX’s interface. on the LAN side, it would be the MAC address listed in the dashboard. on the WAN side, it would be the MAC address plus whatever the uplink offset is.
if your primary MX’s MAC address is 11:22:33:44:55:66, then the VRRP Virtual MAC would be cc:03:d9:44:55:66.
When we whitelisted these virtual MACs the upgrade went fine and the switches did not get disconnected.