I have setup 2 mx250s in vpn concentrator mode in different buildings (not ha/warm spare, they are separate devices). They are connected together by a stretched vlan into our core switch. I've configured ospf on this vlan and I can see that the core switch has 2 neighbors established, one to each of the 2 meraki controllers. I've bought up an mx67 spoke and it has formed autovpn tunnels into the two separate hub concentrators. The odd thing is that only one of the meraki hub concentrators is advertising the spokes routes to the core switch. When I isolate the hub concentrator that is advertising the routes to the core, the 2nd hub concentrator starts advertising the spoke routes to the core. I thought that both of the meraki controllers would be advertising the same routes to the core switch, just with the costs that I setup for the ospf neighbor config on the mx250s. Is this the default behaviour ie only 1 hub will advertise the spoke routes? The hubs are running 14.39.