Adding static route would cause a traffic drop and disconnect all vpn tunnels

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Adding static route would cause a traffic drop and disconnect all vpn tunnels



Lately I'm experiencing a huge traffic drop when adding a static route (MX250).


When adding, after a few seconds, uplink traffic goes down and stays down for more then 10 seconds.
This results in other Meraki's getting disconnected on the site to site vpn.


Updated to the latest version MX 18.107.5, but I'm still experiencing this issue.


Does anyone else have this issue also?

6 Replies 6
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Hi @Bram1985 , have you read through the release notes to see if this is a noted bug/feature?  There have been similar quirks when adding a new vlan for example which would cause something similar 

Darren OConnor |

I'm not an employee of Cisco/Meraki. My posts are based on Meraki best practice and what has worked for me in the field.

Hi Darren, I did, could not find anything relevant.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

That sounds like a bug to me.  You'll need to raise a support case.


Very annoying!

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

@Ryan_Miles looks like we have more people with the  18.1+ HA issues, are you able to find out when this is dues to be fixed?  I relented and finally upgraded quite a few of our networks to 18.107.5 this week...

Still no update...

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