We updated from 18.107.2 to 18.211.2 on 2024-07-05
This is on an HA pair of MX68.
There were no issues at first but over time the connection got progressively worse.
On both WAN1 and WAN2 we were getting an additional 300ms of latency.
Jumping anywhere from between 5-100mbps on both upload and download on a pair of 500mbps circuits.
When removing all downstream devices except for a single laptop connected to a test port the latency and bandwidth improved a bit but nothing close to what we were getting prior.
Called support and downgraded back to 18.107.2 and all issues disappeared.
As per-support we were at 100% utilization.
Post downgrade we were under 40%
We will wait a few days then path to 18.107.10