1:Many NAT to VPN hosts

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1:Many NAT to VPN hosts

We are in the process of removing an ASA that is currently NATting an interface that is not an Internet uplink. Our MX 250 already has 2 uplinks in use for redundancy. Is there a way to do a 1:many NAT on a non-Internet interface or make a third interface be an Uplink that will then allow for me to NAT over it? This is not actually going over the Internet for the NAT. It is going to another network that we do not control but requires us to NAT for services.

1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal

Sorry @Eman but an MX can only NAT when packets move LAN <--> WAN (not LAN <--> LAN), and there's a maximum of 2 WAN ports regardless of the model. 


It sounds like you're going to have to find another way to do what you want to do 😞

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1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal

Sorry @Eman but an MX can only NAT when packets move LAN <--> WAN (not LAN <--> LAN), and there's a maximum of 2 WAN ports regardless of the model. 


It sounds like you're going to have to find another way to do what you want to do 😞

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