gx-50 bugs

A model citizen

gx-50 bugs

i am starting year 2 of my GX-50 


couple things I noticed


if you have the optional security license  (aside from cicson restricting you from using your existing open dns account)


if you try to unblock a website that comes up in your security events list......you get an error that the website must be a string.   I think this happens all the time if you are in the higher level if security.


I think a few times I put the system in the lower level of security and after waiting 30 minutes...the unblock feature worked.   then I put it back in the higher level of security.


so after this...if you check the security events....it will show that the website has been unblocked instead of the option to unblock.


also, if you just manually unblock the websites by copy pasting the url from the security events to the exclue urls part of the management software...that seems to work.


BUT...if for some reason you turn off security....then back on again...you will loose both the exclusions from the security events pick off and the manual exclude list.


AND...there is no way of exporting the list and reimporting them.





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