Meraki Webinar Registration/No email response

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Meraki Webinar Registration/No email response

Everytime I sign up for a Meraki Webinar on the web, I do not get a response email using my work account. I have to use a personal account. We have CES and nothing is getting filtered inbound or show up in my junk/spam. We are not blacklisted? Anyone else have the same issue or any suggestions how to resolve? 



4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal

Possibly do a message trace to see if you can find it inbound before it hits your mailbox. Also note the from address that was used to send to your personal mail. It will make tracking it down a lot easier.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I bet its a cunning strategy by your organisatoin to reduce budget spending next year.  😂

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Any chance you do course firewall filtering anywhere, such as by country or something that might be blocking the connection at the IP layer (so the email system never even sees it)?

So I think the reduced budgeting makes the most sense! Big spend coming up for next year! Anyway, since these are registered through the web browser, there is no outgoing from my email. I also tried registering outside of our enterprise network with no joy. Incoming email should hit our Cloud ESA first and I should be able to find it there, even if it did get filtered. So kind of ruled out firewall or filtering. I did contact my Meraki rep so waiting to see what he says.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will update as soon as I get resolved.
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