CW9163E Datasheet
Change: New article.
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Admin User Management
Change: Added "How are changes logged with Admin Sync?" to "Admin User Experience FAQ".
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Remote Access
Cisco+ Secure Connect - Meraki SD-WAN Integration (Regions)
Change: Added quick start videos.
Configuring DHCP Services on the MX and MS
Change: Added note that if an MX security appliance has been rebooted, its record of DHCP leases will be cleared, and clients will not be able to pass traffic until they obtain a new lease, or until mandatory DHCP is disabled.
Network Objects Configuration Guide
Managing Multiple Networks with Configuration Templates
Change: Added warning that IPv6 LAN capabilities are a requirement for VLAN Objects. VLAN objects and HA MXs (warm spare) do not work together since HA pair does not currently support IPv6. When a warm spare is added to a network, you will lose the ability to use VLAN objects and any existing L3 rules utilizing VLAN objects will be removed.
MX and MS Basic Recommended Layer 3 Topology
Change: Added warning that the management/LAN interface (Switching > Switches > LAN IP) of the switch and L3 interface are separate. Both interfaces can exist on the same VLAN/subnet, but the management interface must have a different IP than the L3 interface; added warning that the management IP for the L3 switch cannot have the gateway pointed to one of its own L3 interfaces as it will not be able to check in using the assigned management IP when the gateway is pointed to itself.
IPv6 Support on MX Security & SD-WAN Platforms - LAN
Change: Added note that disabling IPV6 on the LAN side of the MX will not automatically disable IPV6 on the WAN of the MX; added section "Recursive DNS Server (RDNSS)".
vMX Setup Guide for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Change: Added note that Metadata version 2 is not supported at this time. Using Metadata V2 can result in 'Invalid Token' error message.
vMX Setup Guide for Microsoft Azure
Change: Added note that the vMX will have to be set to passthrough mode, if users behind remote sites participating in AutoVPN want to reach certain subnets (split tunnel) on the public/private cloud environment; added note that vMXs in NAT mode will not advertise subnets that are available on the public/private cloud, so spoke MXs will have to send all their traffic (full tunnel) to the vMX, which will then NAT the traffic and send it across its WAN interface into the public/private cloud environment.
Small-Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) and Stacking Accessories
Change: Added C9300.
Information for Cisco Meraki for Government users
Change: Added MS130.
MS130 Datasheet
Change: Corrected Fan Operation for MS130-24 and MS130-48 to "fanless".
Product Firmware Version Restrictions
Change: Added CW9166D1.
MR Overview and Specifications
MR Installation Guides
Change: Added warranty information to several datasheets.
MV Desk Occupancy (Deprecated)
MV32 Planning Tool
Change: MV Desk Occupancy has been replaced with MV Presence Sensing, and the Planning Tool is currently not available.
Meraki Display Licensing
Change: Added note that Meraki Display does not currently support the new subscription licensing.
Troubleshooting Security Policies in Systems Manager
Change: Updated commands for Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware compliance reporting on Windows.
Upstream Firewall Rules for Cloud Connectivity
Change: Added note that many Meraki devices perform these connectivity tests including the MX, MR, MV, and MS series of products to section "Devices Using the 'Uplink Connection Monitor'".
Organization Settings
MS Switch Access Policies (802.1X)
Change: Added organization-wide RADIUS servers.