New articles:
MG52E Patch Antenna Datasheet
Change: New article.
Digital Optical Monitoring
Change: New article.
MV IP Assignment
Change: New article.
Updated status colors
Change: New article.
Enterprise Agreements
Change: New article.
FIPS 140 for Meraki
Change: New article.
Secure Connect:
Meraki Cloud Authentication (Cisco Secure Connect Embedded)
Cisco Secure Connect - Identity Provider (IdP) Setup
Change: Added "Client based ZTNA doesn't support Meraki Authentication."
Cisco Secure Connect - SecureX Integration
Change: Added deprecation notice.
MG IP Passthrough
Change: Added MG52/MG52E.
Product Firmware Version Restrictions
Change: Added MG52.
Firewall Logging
Change: Added "The Rule # will begin at 0 for the first configured firewall rule, then increment by 1 for each further rule. Therefore, if a flow hits the first configured firewall rule it will show the Rule # as 0 rather than 1."
vMX Setup Guide for Microsoft Azure
Change: Added section "Unable to Delete the Resource Group after Deployment"; updated wording "Do not associate the vMX SD-WAN Subnet to the same route table that is associated with the resources subnet, this is known to cause packet loss."
VPN Concentrator Deployment Guide
Change: Added "Virtual MX (vMX) devices are not supported as Wireless concentrators. As a result, Security & SD-WAN > Configure > Wireless Concentrator is not available on vMX devices."
MX Templates Best Practices
Change: Added "Global bandwidth limits".
IPv6 Support on MX Security & SD-WAN Platforms - LAN
Change: Added "Assignment of an IP address from a DHCPv6-PD prefix is only supported on the LAN. It is not supported on WAN or Cellular."
IPv6 Support on MX Security & SD-WAN Platforms - WAN
Change: Added "Assignment of an IP address from a DHCPv6-PD prefix is only supported on the LAN. It is not supported on WAN or Cellular. For IPv6 uplink assignment on WAN or Cellular, please use DHCPv6-NA or statically assign an IP address from the DHCPv6-PD prefix." and "There is no option to disable IPv6 on MX WAN ports."
Source Based Default Routing
Change: Added "Pings sourced from the VLAN specified within the source-based default routing configuration do not adhere to routing policies. In order to properly test source-based default routing, the ping must be sourced from an internal client."
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
Change: Added "A one-armed VPN concentrator will advertise local Client VPN/AnyConnect VPN networks via iBGP and eBGP to external peers as long as the subnets are VPN Mode 'Enabled' on the Site-to-Site VPN page."
MX and Z-series Source IP for RADIUS Authentication
Change: Added "In situations where the MX is configured with Multiple VLANs, the NAS-IP will be the MX IP of the VLAN with the lowest VLAN ID This is still the case even if that VLAN is not VPN-Enabled."
AnyConnect Troubleshooting Guide
Change: Added "Do not include port number when adding the Meraki hostname to DUO configuration."
Using the Cisco Meraki Device Local Status Page
Change: Added "HTTP proxy is no longer supported on MS 15+ firmware. Nodes that use HTTP proxy without any other means to connect to dashboard may fail to connect."
Catalyst 9300X-M Datasheet
Change: Updated switching capacity for C9300X-24HX-M to 880 Gbps.
Switch Stacks
Change: Added section "Understanding how the Active Stack Member is Elected".
Frequently Asked Questions for Cisco Meraki Access Point Antennas
Change: Added note that certain extension cables have a plug on both ends, which require an additional adapter to question "What are the Antenna Extension Cable Options?", added MR53E to question "Is there a quick reference sheet comparing these indoor antennas?"
Automatic Frequency Coordination
Change: Added note "After enabling Standard Power within the RF profile, assigned access points will reboot to enable the 6 GHz radio. It is recommended to enable AFC during a planned maintenance window."
Capturing Wireless Traffic from a Client Machine
Change: Added sections "Starting Monitor Mode" and "Stopping Monitor Mode".
General Administration:
Syslog Event Types and Log Samples
Change: Added AnyConnect VPN events.
Deleting an Organization
Change: Added requirement that no Google Domain binding must exist before deleting an Organization.
Rename a Client's Hostname
Change: Added instructions on how to change back to an automatically assigned hostname.
Meraki Dashboard Login Authentication Options
Change: Added "Once a Dashboard Administrator account is created, the Authentication Method used is fixed and cannot be altered. Should an administrator need to change their authentication method (e.g., from Email to SecureX), the existing administrator account must be deleted and then re-created with the desired authentication method."
Syslog Server Overview and Configuration
Change: Added "Syslog Flows are a shared MR and MX category. Flows cannot be separated so that only MX flows or MR flows contribute the flows syslog category."
Meraki Licensing FAQs
Change: Added email send intervals for both out of compliance and in compliance expiration emails to question "Will I be notified before my license expires?"
Throughput test to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard
Change: Added "Dashboard throughput may be improved by ticking / unticking Site-to-Site VPN IPv4 default route. See 'Behavior of Management Traffic' for more information."
Information for Cisco Meraki for Government users
Change: Added C9300/L/X-M models.
Using the Cisco Meraki Device Local Status Page
Change: Added "APN Configuration on Newer Firmware" and "Differences Between Old and New APN configurations Settings Compared" for MG.