Newbie-MR86,Claimed or Unclaimed


Newbie-MR86,Claimed or Unclaimed

I recently acquired a couple of MR86s as well as some other tech items from a store closing. They both looked to be brand new and never used. I do not much about these and would like to sell them as I have no use for them. I have been trying to figure out a few things before I do sell if I can sell them at all. I have learned that they are only good if they are unclaimed. I wanted to know if there was a way to figure out if they were unclaimed without having to claim them myself. And If I do claim them can I unclaim them and if I do unclaim does claiming and then un-claiming it affect the device in any other way that I could not sell them?


1 Accepted Solution
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

This article contains instructions on both claiming and unclaiming devices.


After adding the device to your inventory, you all need to add it to a network to be sure.  The above link also includes instructions on how to do this.

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8 Replies 8
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Claim them and find out. If it works, then unclaim and sell. If you can't claim then they're claimed elsewhere and unless the admin from that Org unclaims them there's nothing you can do.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

This article contains instructions on both claiming and unclaiming devices.


After adding the device to your inventory, you all need to add it to a network to be sure.  The above link also includes instructions on how to do this.

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

All you would need is the serial number of those MR86s and look up the serial number in the inventory by going to Organization > Configure > Inventory page enter the serial number to see if they are claimed in another organization or network.

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Serials can be claimed in multiple Orgs. As @PhilipDAth mentioned above you need to also add the serial to a network to make sure it's not already in use elsewhere. 


Thanx to all for advice.

I was able to claim it but have not added to a network. IF I were to add it to a network would I be able to delete from that network and then unclaim without any problem. I wasn't able to find instructions on where to remove from the network. Maybe I just missed it. If I were able to add to a network and then remove it from that network would that in any way affect reselling it to anyone else. 


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

>IF I were to add it to a network would I be able to delete from that network and then unclaim without any problem.


Yes you can.  Well done on getting this far.  It's quite a big learning curve!


You can find instructions on how to remove devices here:


Thanx a bunch- I was able to do all of this without any problems.

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