Meraki SM and Secure Endpoint MAC

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Meraki SM and Secure Endpoint MAC

I have neen through a battle and a half getting Secure Endpoint deployment to MacOS working.


Now that I finally got it all working, I am trying to make a policy to ensure it's installed, because it doesn't look I am able to block users from uninstalling it.


Is this possible with SM?


I have tried to Mandaotry Applications in a policy for and


But that didn't seem to work.

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

@MikeLP : The security policies are there to inform you of devices that meet the criteria within it, or don't: They don't actively enforce the policy. That's done within the Application settings itself:


Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 10.20.23.png


Let me know how you get on

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