I am viewing the page Network-wide >> Clients and I need help.
When I view the full picture graphic of the download and upload I am seeing all traffic in the network.
This includes:
1. Traffic between internal devices and external sources (i.e. websites, external and cloud storage, streaming content and more.)
2. Traffic between internal devices and internal sources i.e. laptop or PC to Share Drive, NAS, Video and Audio on demand systems and more.
The problem is that I need to remove all connection's classified as No.2. to get a better picture of the Internet usage across the entire system. We have limited internet due to our location and restricting and shaping the internet traffic is critical to our operation. Currently as soon as a client device uploads photographs or large files to the server the interpretation of the data in the network goes out the window. So is it possible to use a filter in the client table to achieve this? Will the forget button perform this task? What is the best way to do this?
Much appreciated any support.