How to determine root cause for app installation errors on MacOS


How to determine root cause for app installation errors on MacOS

Hello, I am repeatingly getting errors for app installations for some of the MacOS devices which are managed by our Meraki Systems Manager. In the device's activity log I am just seeing "error". But how can I determine what the error is and more importantly than act on it?



There is not really a common ground except the devices run MacOS. Some devices get the apps installed. Others produce errors during installation. The apps are .dmg as well as .pkg files. Some are more complex, others a easier to install.


The MacOS version is 14.X.
The agent version is 3.8.2 in this example.


What can I do in such cases?

1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

We'd want to see what's in /var/log/m_agent.log first, as this should provide some logging about how the installation process is going and where/why it's failing. If there's much to go by, open a case and/or drop me a DM with a link to the device too and I can look. 


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