It sounds that your device has lost communication with the Meraki server or it is something conflicting in the device record from before the device was wiped and the kink has not been removed from the device record in the Meraki Dashboard after you re-enrolled.
(1) To be quite honest, this is what I would do: Select the device in your dashboard (check it) and delete it from your network. Then, on the device remove the Meraki Profile you installed when the device was reset and do a manual enrollment with the following URL: This will re-enroll the device freshly and probably fix your problem. Note: Obviously if you use DEP you will need to reset and go through pre-stage enrollment.
Here are some other options to try if you do not feel like doing that:
(2) Make sure the device is able to communicate with the Meraki server. Try setting a passcode and wiping it. This will tell you if it is a communication issue.
(3) Do you have the Meraki MDM app installed and have some apps scoped to the app section available to users in the app? Try downloading an application and seeing if that updates the device's inventory and works out the kinks.
Also, make sure that your scopes are correct for the device. Often, if you mis-scope a config or app that isn't compatible with the device and/or how it is configured it will not allow the device to install anything else.
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