Configuring Always-On IPSec VPN with AD UPN Authentication for iPhones in Meraki SM

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Configuring Always-On IPSec VPN with AD UPN Authentication for iPhones in Meraki SM

I would like to briefly describe the issue:
• Our customer had an IPSec VPN connection set up by Noris Network to retrieve emails from an on-premises Exchange server to the iPhones of UmweltBank.
• Authentication should be done both via a distributed certificate on the iPhones (distribution works) and through login with AD user credentials (UPN) and corresponding password.

They have created a VPN profile in Meraki SM (see screenshot). How can they get the UPN of the AD user (= OwnerUsername in SM Owners) into these settings? A variable like $OWNEREMAIL or $OWNERUSERNAME does not work.
Additionally, the VPN connection should be Always On and should not disconnect every time the iPhone is locked. Re-establishing the VPN connection or having to enter the password each time the iPhone is unlocked is not practical.






The VPN connection works in general; it’s set up on the admins iPhone and he can retrieve emails after entering his UPN and password.

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal
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