Episode 30: Remote working for the long haul

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

It's one thing to be able to work from home in the midst of a pandemic, but quite another to recreate an IT experience like being in the office. With authentication, performance and security to consider, IT teams are looking for solutions, not more headaches. In today's episode we focus on practical ways in which our teleworker appliance can transform the experience of working from home, or from anywhere!



All good stuff. I did enjoy the Episode 30 about remote working given the "new normal" and finding new ways to handle an excess of "working from home" models.


My Meraki gear is helping me a lot in work from home. Having a VPN setup with MX help me have peace of mind while working out of the home office. 

Here to help

Great job Guys. Some SMB organizations never imagined the WFH situation. Many of them have to started planning late and trying to get their users to have remote connectivity.


I can't wait for the next normal for these companies, many of which may have folded up due to the challenges of remote working and unavailability of enough funds.

This topic is really insightful. The Meraki Z3 Teleworker gateway sounds great and the technology wonderful.

Secure authentication, Always-On VPN, etc. I trust companies already using this device are enjoying it greatly.


 A trial should convince everyone.


All my resources are online and still working from home.

Comes here often

Working from home has definitely become the "Next Normal", This should of happened years ago and unfortunately took a pandemic for some businesses to realize they needed get on top of their digital workforce transformation.


unprecedented times indeed, but look forward to the future.

Comes here often

Yeah its a tough time at the moment but there are some good ideas in this podcast 😄 

Getting noticed

Some great solutions to easily enable secure remote working. Personally I don't believe working from home will become the new normal. Working from home seems a great idea on the surface however the strains of solitary working can take its toll on even the most introverted of us. I believe in many cases this period will allow people to appreciate the many advantages of having a dedicated working environment with face to face contact with our work mates. 


Very important podcast, things have really changed for remote access and more and more people are obviously working form home and we need to be able to support that for a long time to come !! When will Cisco AnyConnect be integrated with the Meraki MX firewalls ?

We have many customers that already use AnyConnect and an ASA firewall but when we installed the MX applicance they have to use the built in VPN client which has many issues with Windows.

Meraki needs to integrate Cisco AnyConnect with their MX platform, I have heard through some Meraki webinars it will eventually be available but when do you think that will happen ?

Thank you !


Great testimonials that are fantastic to reference when educating our customers about Meraki products. I personally use the Z3 as well and it couldn't be easier.

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