Episode 108: Next-Gen Guest Wi-Fi With Cisco Meraki & Splash Access

Meraki Employee

In this episode, we sit down with Tim Ormrod, Founder of Splash Access, and Shannon Nagel, Cisco Meraki Sales Leader, to discuss the benefits of using Splash Access to authenticate secure internet access and explore their recent wins in higher education.

Splash Access allows you to automatically provision a custom splash page solution that instantly integrates into the Meraki cloud. Splash Access authorizes users onto the Meraki network, collects customer data, and integrates into APIs from major marketing tools.

Learn more 

Sammy Brenner, Cisco, Virtual Sales Leader, Meraki

Shannon Nagel, Regional Sales Leader, Cisco Meraki

Tim Ormrod, Managing Director, OrmIT Solutions Ltd.

Kind of a big deal

@AmileeSan1 : Thanks for sharing

New here

This is nice and all, but where is SAML Wi-Fi login? A significant portion of userbase have no need to harvest personally thumbprintable users & their information to fill their information coffers. We need modern updates to the technology we use. 

Here to help

Hi Jamie-gemini


Great News for you ! Splash Access fully supports SAML as part of the Login process . We have many clients using the system with great success . We also added in pure Radius Auth , Google , OKTA as well as Azure AD for Authentication,  DUO is also an option for MFA as are others . Happy to help show you around the system and how we could help . 


Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 21.14.37.png

Getting noticed

Very impressive.  Thanks so much for sharing the information!

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