Migration to MT Sensors

Migration to MT Sensors

As well as the large wireless replacement I have coming up we are also migration from Temp@lert sensors to Meraki MT sensors. I have been wanting to do this for some time but didn't have enough coverage with MV cameras to make it possible.


The Initial deployment will include MT10 and MT14 sensors, I am in discussions with our catering teams about installing MT11 into their fridges and freezers. 




Kind of a big deal

Can I just add that if anyone is considering MT sensors they are extremely simple to install and setup. 


Once the device has been added to your inventory simply install the batteries, mount the device in your desired location ( the kit includes multiple mounting options) and press the button and your done!



Building a reputation

that would be a good add in if you have a lot of high value items in the coolers and it will alert when the door get's left open or even worst if it breaks down.  good use for a commercial kitchen