We lost access to sites / companies shared with us.

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We lost access to sites / companies shared with us.

We lost access to sites / companies shared with us. We tried login out of our login / password recovery, everything has been getting the error "Session forbidden". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

5 Replies 5
Getting noticed

Have you tried to use another browser or a private/incognito window (Firefox/Chrome)? This would be my first try.

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We have tried that. Thank you. We will try again on another device, maybe that will be different. 

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Same results on different devices also sadly.

Getting noticed

I have no idea what could be the reason. Maybe you should open a support case.

One more thing: Do you have any adblocker installed in the browser. Try to deactivate it.

New here

I'm having the same issue, it is not something just with you.  I'm hearing talk of a possible big back end issue. Let me know if you find anything out.  I have a ticket in with support since yesterday.  Our network is still working there is nothing in the dashboard however.

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