Unable to connect to our company's trusted network (error screenshots attached)

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Unable to connect to our company's trusted network (error screenshots attached)


I have a new device that I need to enroll via enroll.meraki.com but everytime I try it fails. 

This is affecting more than one device, and currently we are stuck for the past week trying to find a solution. 

Here are the screenshots related to the process and error of the enrollment. 


  1. Failed to enroll: https://imgur.com/HNRMBov
  2. Install AFW account: https://imgur.com/1HrljgQ


For context: This is my device info: https://imgur.com/7RtYbur

  • We have tried to enroll at the install wizard screen using the QR code to no avail
  • We have tried connecting to Trusted secure wifi network or using Guest network, no difference. 


I have been at this issue for many days and other developers are impacted. 

We would appreciate any help. 


1 Reply 1
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

It looks like you need assistance with Meraki MDM. Please post your question in the Meraki MDM community forum for further assistance. This support space is specifically for support with the Meraki GO platform.

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