GS110 24P - Block/unblock devices and add removed devices

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GS110 24P - Block/unblock devices and add removed devices

It seems that some of the functions of Meraki Go don‘t work properly or I am not able to use them correctly. 

I tried to block ports for single devices, but the only option I found was to block completely. Once I did that, I wanted to unblock again. However, no unblock capability was shown. Instead I see the same page as before blocking and the „blocked“ mark not set. 
this behavior is in the App and in the web version. 
What is wrong?


Further I tried to remove a device. I did that, but now I am not able to add the removed device again to the list of connected devices. 
The device is connected and it works, but I cannot see it in the list. 
What should I do?

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I opened a support case number (09480109).

After a few mails, I received the following information from Meraki Go Technical Support and I want to share that with the community.

I have to verify the solution next week. Independent of verification, the solution method is not very elegant and generates a lot of work.

The better way would be just being able to remove and add devices, names etc. within the apps.


Hello Gogo,

Thank you for providing that information.

By removing the unique client device information, it will be removed from the entire network. This is used to remove any unnecessary client information that you do not want showing on your managed network like maybe a guest device. 

This is why the devices are not showing up in the unique device list. The devices will still have access to the network as this only deletes the client information data from the Meraki GO network when you don't need to track certain client data.

It is also not possible to poke the device as the information needed to poke the device is within the tracked client information. 

To rebuild the unique client list, you will need to create a new network by doing the following steps.

  1. Create a new "company" on your Meraki GO account via the web app.  
  2. Delete your switches from your current company.
  3. Unplug your switches from power.
  4. Add your Meraki GO switches to your new company.
  5. Reconfigure your network/switches.
  6. Delete your old company via the Home tab of the old company.

There's an option to block clients on your Meraki GO network by following the steps here.
You can also enable and disable ports on your switch by going into the designated port and toggling the "Enabled" option.

Thank you again for contacting Meraki GO Technical Support. 

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