Wireless Scanning and Security

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Leverage Meraki best-in-class Intrusion Prevention and Detection

What are you offering? Wireless security as-a-service without any third party integrations, using Meraki's built-in Air Marshall capabilities
How do you charge for this?
  • Monthly a-la-carte charge on top of MSP pricing
  • Inclusive in premium package MSP pricing
  • Per site cost
  • Per AP cost
What resources do you need to sell this?
  • CMNA engineer with wireless threat focus/expertise
  • NOC engineer trained in wireless security and alerting
Why is this valuable?
  • Customer devices constitute both a large portion of their IT spend and security challenges
  • Create a full suite Managed Offering that represents a closed loop customer system


Detect and neutralize wireless threats with Meraki’s native WIPS solution

Security is at the top of every customers mind. Help them sleep better at night with a proactive scanning approach that leverages their Meraki infrastructure.


Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.30.19 PM.png Finance Rogue SSID’s, Other SSID’s, Packet Floods and Rogue broadcasts all represent real threats that customers are faced with daily. Ensure that customers without IT staff on-site (such as a retail bank branch) have the most secure wireless airpace possible.
  • Include as part of “premium” Managed service (Verticalized or non)
  • Include as a price per site/per network
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.33.23 PM.png Retail POS on tablets/smartphones has grown quickly and is driving the next generation of wireless infrastructure in retail. By offering Wireless scanning/security as a service you can offer retail customers peace of mind that their customers financial data will remain safe in a world of ever evolving threats.
  • Include as part of “premium” Managed service
  • Include as a price per site/price per network
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 9.35.30 PM.png Get Creative! Break down your core value to customers and then dig into which aspects of Dashboard you can monetize and structure Wireless Security services around!


Previous: Device Inventory and Management                                               Next: Admin Change Log Audit Management

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