Rapid Deployment

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Offer zero-touch deployment as a service

What are you offering? “Premium” deployment plan enabling faster network spin-up
How do you charge for this?
  • Models include:
    • Charge based on required lead time to setup the network - faster the speed, higher the cost.
    • Charge based on number of sites spun-up within specified time frame
What resources do you need to sell this?
Why is this valuable?
  • Many other industries offer premium time based solutions (See: Amazon one-day shipping, Comcast priority install services, FedEx overnight, etc)
  • Enables you to address customer needs re critical infrastructure


Meraki Networks can be deployed 90% faster than on-premises rivals.

To take full advantage of Rapid Deployment, transition your Professional Services from an hourly billing model to an upfront quoting model



Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 8.31.11 PM.png K-12 / Primary School School holiday windows allow for short-time frames. “Rapid deployment” is enabled as a differentiator in the RFP/bidding process for schools.
  • Per building RD SKU
  • Per School RD SKU


Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 8.34.37 PM.png Commercial Most commercial customers have business/operational networking dependencies and can afford little to no downtime. In these scenarios, Rapid Deployment moves from a nice to have to a must have.
  • Per site RD SKU
  • “Premium” professional services option includes RD value
Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 8.35.50 PM.png Get Creative! Break down your core value to customers and then dig into which aspects of Dashboard you can monetize and structure Rapid Deployment services around!


Next: Function Audits

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