Generally, all orders are placed via standard tools and processes (e.g., CCW). Regardless of product ownership considerations, Meraki requires a valid end customer on each order (including when a MSP may repurpose gear in the future). In cases where an MSP is retaining title of the product, there is some additional ordering guidance. Specifically -- for MSPs retaining title -- the customer's full email address need not be provided on the order. Instead, only the customer email domain can be listed for the contact email (i.e., This will prevent any order or product information from being sent to the end customer.
Partner holds title
Bill to: Partner information
Ship to: Partner information (may be customer install location)
EC info: End customer information
To avoid Meraki sending order and product information to the customer - put donotemail@, and the customer domain, for the customer's email address.
End Customer holds title
Please follow the standard ordering process
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