Ordering & Title Guidelines

Meraki Alumni (Retired)

Generally, all orders are placed via standard tools and processes (e.g., CCW). Regardless of product ownership considerations, Meraki requires a valid end customer on each order (including when a MSP may repurpose gear in the future). In cases where an MSP is retaining title of the product, there is some additional ordering guidance. Specifically -- for MSPs retaining title -- the customer's full email address need not be provided on the order. Instead, only the customer email domain can be listed for the contact email (i.e., donotemail@customerdomain.com). This will prevent any order or product information from being sent to the end customer.  


Partner holds title

Bill to: Partner information

Ship to: Partner information (may be customer install location)

EC info: End customer information


To avoid Meraki sending order and product information to the customer - put donotemail@, and the customer domain, for the customer's email address.


End Customer holds title

Please follow the standard ordering process



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