@Adam2014 I don't disagree, I'd love to have such a list to share, but no such list and I'm sure there are several reasons. In many cases, the features are not necessarily mainstream enough and making them visible would either cause confusion, generate unnecessary cases, or clutter Dashboard in general with typically unused features. In other cases, new/beta features initially show up as Support-enabled features that are eventually made visible and provided in Dashboard by default.
There's no easy answer to the balancing act, when simplicity and an intuitive management interface is the true goal it's a real challenge to expose every option and feature, some of which might conflict or deviate from best practices. To your point, I'd love to have some of them visible by default all of the time, like the 2.4GHz only option you mentioned, that's self-explanatory enough that I feel there's no harm in leaving it exposed. The bottom line is to consult with your local Cisco Meraki team and/or your Partner resources (and this Community) to understand if there might be a Support-enabled feature that can address a specific use case or design scenario you're facing.