Hi All,
Hopefully a simple question, i've only used the api to get data previously but have come up with a use case where we would like to update the loginIpRanges within the updateOrganizationLoginSecurity.
What i'm not sure about, and have failed to find out via searching the net.
With the " /organizations/{organizationId}/loginSecurity" end point do we need to include all the object values or can we just pass the loginIpRanges
so can we just do (data is from
"loginIpRanges": [
or do we need to include all of it...
"enforcePasswordExpiration": true,
"passwordExpirationDays": 90,
"enforceDifferentPasswords": true,
"numDifferentPasswords": 3,
"enforceStrongPasswords": true,
"enforceAccountLockout": true,
"accountLockoutAttempts": 3,
"enforceIdleTimeout": true,
"idleTimeoutMinutes": 30,
"enforceTwoFactorAuth": true,
"enforceLoginIpRanges": true,
"loginIpRanges": [
"apiAuthentication": {
"ipRestrictionsForKeys": {
"enabled": true,
"ranges": [