I've tried to create a powershell script to have an import / export for some Meraki stuff to/from an excel file.
It has helped me change, deploy and backup some information.
Feel free to try.
I am no programmer so in no doubt my scripting skills are lacking, but it might serve you 🙂
Basically you need ;
- Your Put Endpoint (because of the redirect which causes some issues)
- Your API key
- Excel file
I've been using Visual Studio to create and troubleshoot which works quite nice.
Enjoy !
the script:
############################################################################################################################################### # MERAKI UPDATE ############################################################################################################################################### # This scripts can update hosts & ports in excel and meraki cloud # # ############################################################################################################################################## #region Settings # SET TLS version [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #endregion #region Variables # Import my settings . C:\Temp\local_variables.ps1 # YOUR MERAKI API KEY ! # Import funtions . .\meraki_functions_1.4.ps1 # API KEY $api_key = $Meraki_api_key #ENTER YOUR API KEY HERE # Test value if (!$api_key) {write-host "No API key found" -ForegroundColor Red exit } # ENDPOINTS FOR API / ivm 308 redirects $get_endpoint = 'https://dashboard.meraki.com/api/v0' $put_endpoint = '' #'https://nXXXXXXXXX.meraki.com/api/v0' #$get_endpoint = 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v0' #$put_endpoint = 'https://api.meraki.com/api/v0' if (!$put_endpoint) {write-host "No PUT endpoint found" -ForegroundColor Red exit } # EXCEL FILENAME $excelfilename = "MerakiExcel template.xlsx" $switchportsheetname = "switchports" $firewallsheetname = "firewallrules" $devicesheetname = "devices" $ssidsheetname = "ssid" if (!(Test-Path $excelfilename)) {write-host "No EXCEL file found" -ForegroundColor Red write-host "Make sure to create the excel file and sheets: " -ForegroundColor Red write-host $switchportsheetname -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host $firewallsheetname -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host $devicesheetname -ForegroundColor Yellow write-host $ssidsheetname -ForegroundColor Yellow pause exit } #endregion #region Functions #endregion Clear-Host # Get the Organization write-host "Getting organizations: " -NoNewline $organization = Get-MerakiOrganizations -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key write-host "Organization: "$organization -ForegroundColor Green # Get the Networks write-host "Getting networks: " -NoNewline $networks = Get-MerakiNetworks -organizationid $organization.id -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key write-host $networks -ForegroundColor Green # Get the Devices write-host "Getting Devices: " -NoNewline $devices = Get-MerakiDevices -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -networkid $networks.id write-host $devices.count -ForegroundColor Green start-sleep -seconds 1 # Do MENU do { clear-host write-host "--------------------Main Menu--------------------------------------" write-host "1. Device" write-host "2. Switchport" write-host "3. MX" write-host "4. WIFI" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "Q. Quit" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "Devices:`t`t`t" $devices.Count write-host "File:`t`t`t`t" $excelfilename write-host "Network:`t`t`t"$networks.name $networks.id write-host "Organization:`t`t`t"$organization write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------" $input = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($input) { '1' { # Device do { clear-host write-host "--------------------Device Menu -----------------------------------" write-host "1. Read Devices from Excel and update API" write-host "2. Read Devices from API and write to excel" write-host "3. Get Device info" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "B. Back" write-host "" write-host "Sheet:`t`t`t`t"$devicesheetname write-host "Devices:`t`t`t" $devices.Count write-host "File:`t`t`t`t"$excelfilename write-host "Network:`t`t`t"$networks.name $networks.id write-host "Organization:`t`t`t"$organization write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------" $inputlevel1 = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($inputlevel1) { '1' { # Read Devices from Excel and update API Clear-host #$devices = read-MerakiDevicesFromExcel -filename $excelfilename -devicesheetname $devicesheetname #foreach ($device in $devices) { write-host "Updating devices...." -ForegroundColor Blue Update-MerakiDevices -endpointurl $put_endpoint -apikey $api_key -filename $excelfilename -devicesheetname $devicesheetname -networkid $networks.id # Max 5 Calls per second # See https://documentation.meraki.com/zGeneral_Administration/Other_Topics/The_Cisco_Meraki_Dashboard_API Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200 #} pause } '2' { # Read Devices from API and write to excel" $devices = Get-MerakiDevices -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -networkid $networks.id write-MerakiDevices2Excel -devicearray $devices -filename $excelfilename -devicesheetname $devicesheetname } '3' { # Get Device info Clear-host $Inputdevice = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the devicename' Get-MerakiDevice -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -switchname $Inputdevice -networkid $networks.id pause } } } until ($inputlevel1 -eq 'b') } '2' { # Ports do { clear-host write-host "--------------------Switchport Menu -------------------------------" write-host "1. Read Ports from Excel and update API" write-host "2. Get Switchports from API and write to excel" write-host "3. Get port info" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "B. Back" write-host "" write-host "Sheet:`t`t`t`t"$switchportsheetname write-host "Devices:`t`t`t" $devices.Count write-host "File:`t`t`t`t"$excelfilename write-host "Network:`t`t`t"$networks.name $networks.id write-host "Organization:`t`t`t"$organization write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------" $inputlevel2 = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($inputlevel2) { '1' { # Read Ports from Excel and update API Clear-host write-host "Getting ports from excel" $ports = read-MerakiSwitchPortsFromExcel -filename $excelfilename -switchportsheetname $switchportsheetname foreach ($port in $ports) { if ($port.Switch) { foreach ($device in $devices) { if ($port.switch -eq $device.name) { $serial = $device.serial write-host "Updating port:" $device.name $port.number $serial ` "name:"$port.name ` "tags:"$port.tags ` "enabled:"$port.enabled ` "poeEnabled:"$port.poeEnabled ` "type:"$port.type ` "vlan:"$port.vlan ` "voicevlan:"$port.voiceVlan ` "allowedVlans:"$port.allowedVlans ` "isolationEnabled:"$port.isolationEnabled ` "rstpEnabled:"$port.rstpEnabled ` "stpGuard:"$port.stpGuard -ForegroundColor Green Update-MerakiSwitchPort -endpointurl $put_endpoint ` -apikey $api_key ` -port $port.number ` -serial $serial ` -name $port.name ` -tags $port.tags ` -enabled $port.enabled ` -poeEnabled $port.poeEnabled ` -type $port.type ` -vlan $port.vlan ` -voicevlan $port.voiceVlan ` -allowedVlans $port.allowedVlans ` -isolationEnabled $port.isolationEnabled ` -rstpEnabled $port.rstpEnabled ` -stpGuard $port.stpGuard # Max 5 Calls per second # See https://documentation.meraki.com/zGeneral_Administration/Other_Topics/The_Cisco_Meraki_Dashboard_API write-host "Waiting 100 milli seconds" -foregroundcolor yellow Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } } } pause } '2' { # Read Ports from API and update Excel Clear-Host write-host "Getting devices from API" $devices = Get-MerakiDevices -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -networkid $networks.id write-host "Getting switchports from devices" $switchports = @(); foreach ($device in $devices) { if ($device.Model -like '*MS*') { write-host "Found Device: " $device.name -ForegroundColor Green $switchports += Get-MerakiSwitchPorts -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -switchserial $device.serial -switchname $device.name } } $switchports = $switchports | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = {$_.switch}; Ascending = $false}, number write-MerakiSwitchports2Excel -filename $excelfilename -switchportsarray $switchports -switchportsheetname $switchportsheetname pause } '3' { # Get port info Clear-host $Inputdevice = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter the devicename' $Inputport = Read-host -prompt 'Enter Switchport' Get-MerakiSwitchPort -endpointurl $get_endpoint -apikey $api_key -switchname $Inputport -port $Inputport pause } } } until ($inputlevel2 -eq 'b') } '3' { # MX do { clear-host write-host "--------------------Firewall Menu -------------------------------------" write-host "1. Get Firewall Rules from API and write to excel" write-host "2. Get Firewall Rules from excel and write to API" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "B. Back" write-host "" write-host "Sheet:`t`t`t`t"$firewallsheetname write-host "Devices:`t`t`t" $devices.Count write-host "File:`t`t`t`t"$excelfilename write-host "Network:`t`t`t"$networks.name $networks.id write-host "Organization:`t`t`t"$organization write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------" $inputlevel3 = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($inputlevel3) { '1' { # Get Firewall Rules from API and write to excel Clear-host $firewallrules = Get-MerakiMXFirewallRules -endpointurl $get_endpoint ` -apikey $api_key ` -networkid $networks.id write-MerakiMXFirewallRules2Excel -filename $excelfilename ` -firewallrulearray $firewallrules ` -firewallsheetname $firewallsheetname pause } '2' { # Get Firewall Rules from excel and write to API Clear-Host Update-MerakiFirewallrules -endpointurl $put_endpoint ` -apikey $api_key ` -filename $excelfilename ` -firewallsheetname $firewallsheetname ` -networkid $networks.id ` pause } '3' { # MX option 3 pause } } } until ($inputlevel3 -eq 'b') } '4' { # WIFI do { clear-host write-host "--------------------WIFI Menu -------------------------------------" write-host "1. Get SSIDs from API and write to excel" write-host "2. Get SSIDs from excel and write to API" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "" write-host "B. Back" write-host "" write-host "Sheet:`t`t`t`t"$ssidsheetname write-host "Devices:`t`t`t" $devices.Count write-host "File:`t`t`t`t"$excelfilename write-host "Network:`t`t`t"$networks.name $networks.id write-host "Organization:`t`t`t"$organization write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------------" $inputlevel4 = Read-Host "Please make a selection" switch ($inputlevel4) { '1' { # Get SSID from API and write to excel Clear-host $ssids = Get-MerakiWifiSSIDs -endpointurl $get_endpoint ` -apikey $api_key ` -networkid $networks.id write-MerakiWifiSSIDs2Excel -filename $excelfilename ` -ssidarray $ssids ` -ssidsheetname $ssidsheetname pause } '2' { # Get SSID from excel and write to API Clear-Host Update-MerakiWifiSSIDs -endpointurl $put_endpoint ` -apikey $api_key ` -filename $excelfilename ` -ssidsheetname $ssidsheetname ` -networkid $networks.id pause } '3' { # SSID option 3 pause } } } until ($inputlevel4 -eq 'b') } } } until ($input -eq 'q') # Do garbage collection [System.GC]::Collect()
i could not paste the functions so you have to download them 🙂
I haven't tested it, but thanks for the share!
I spend most of my day using powershell, but I found it more desirable to brush up on my Python skills than figure out how to tackle the Meraki API with powershell. I'll have to check this out, because it might streamline the way I do things if I can use add API calls to powershell scripts I already have. Thanks for the example.