I just use this...
clients = await aiomeraki.networks.getNetworkClients(net['id'], timespan=t, perPage=1000, total_pages="all")
...run once every 24 hours with a timespan of a day. This is using API v1 Python package.
I use this in a script that gathers data across several organizations with hundreds of networks, some networks have thousands of clients. I add some additional handling for rate limiting as with so many networks and using async IO it is certain to rate limit.
If you only want to process data on 10 clients at a time, you will be generating 100x more API calls, far more likely that rate limiting will trigger.
But you can do it if you use the API call direct (i.e. rather than the Python package) and set perPage to 10, you'll need to add handling for pagination, API rate limiting etc.
This post has an example of using pagination (using the default 1000 page size, you'd need to add perPage parameter), you could adapt to get clients instead of devices, you'd still need to add handling for rate limiting back-off and retry...
...but it seems simpler to just use the Python package.