Thanks PhilipDAth.
When I do a GET, it is this, with useVlanTagging as false. But in the web interface, I can confirm it is assigned to a non-default VLAN.
"number": 2,
"name": "TestWiFi",
"enabled": true,
"splashPage": "None",
"ssidAdminAccessible": false,
"authMode": "psk",
"psk": "TestPassword",
"encryptionMode": "wpa",
"wpaEncryptionMode": "WPA2 only",
"ipAssignmentMode": "Bridge mode",
"useVlanTagging": false,
"minBitrate": null,
"bandSelection": "Dual band operation",
"perClientBandwidthLimitUp": 0,
"perClientBandwidthLimitDown": 0
I am really scratching my head on why it behaves like this. I have tried to use PUT to update with both useVlanTagging,vlanId, and defaultVlanId, but it won't update. Maybe I am put the attributes in the json file wrong? I don't know...