[UPDATED] Beta testing with the Meraki Developer Early Access program

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

[UPDATED] Beta testing with the Meraki Developer Early Access program

What is the Early Access program?

The early access program (also known as our beta program) enables you to beta test APIs before they are finalized. This is the best opportunity to weigh in on features and functionality before we finalize the UX and ship (GA) the endpoints. Find more information in the original announcement, or the documentation page.


How does the Early Access program work?

First, an organization admin would choose an organization to opt in to the program, and once opted in, the OpenAPI spec for that organization will be changed to the beta spec. That means all API users interacting with that organization will have immediate access to the current beta features. And as soon as new features are released to beta, you can immediately use them with your organization and provide feedback in our Early Access group, so you'll want to inform all API users of this change before signing up.


Technically, joining also means that all endpoints in the given org's OpenAPI spec are subject to unannounced breaking changes, so it's not for everyone. In other words, once an org is opted in, every API user is now subject to the beta API spec, so choose your organization thoughtfully.


New features are published in our Early Access streaming live updates Webex channel and occasionally will be called out in the community's API Early Access Group.


Should I join the Early Access program?

Only you can decide, but here are a few questions to ask yourself before joining:

  • Am I a read-write organization admin on the organization I want to opt into the program?
  • Am I authorized to make this change for my organization?
  • Do all API users of my organization understand the impacts of joining the program, and that joining the program might break any/all applications that depend on the API?
  • Are breaking API changes acceptable for all API users (including ecosystem partners) who interact with my organization and all its networks?
  • Do I want to provide feedback on beta API features before they are shipped?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, then you may be a candidate for the program! Again, joining the program is on a per organization basis, so if you're interested, we recommend creating a separate testing organization rather than joining your production organization(s) to the program. 


Are there any active betas right now?

Yes! There are virtually always active betas available for testing and experimentation.


How do I join or leave the program?

We've made it easier than ever to participate in the early API access program! Previously, it was necessary to allow Support to access your dashboard, and then to make a special request to have the opt-in applied to your organization, and leaving the program for an org required contacting support. No more!


Now to participate simply log in to your dashboard, choose the organization you'd like to opt in or out of the beta, then use the opt-in toggle to opt-in your organization to the program. Once opted in, you'll instantly have access to all the current beta API endpoints.


And yes! This toggle is fully API-powered, so you can turn this on and off via API if you please.






8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal

@John_on_API : Thanks for the Info

Cisco Awarded Blogs 2020/2021 https://www.thenetworkdna.com/
Building a reputation

Thanks, I applied to this program with one organization 

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Thanks MerryAki, please see the note above about allowing Support access to your dashboard.

Building a reputation

Whoops 😬

i missed that one 🙂

should be fixed 

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Is it normal that I can't post in the API Early Access Group ? I had multiple bugs to report and was advised not to create tickets but I can't post there.


Thanks ,

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Wow I feel dumb now... Thanks !

Meraki Employee All-Star Meraki Employee All-Star
Meraki Employee All-Star

We've made it easier than ever to participate in the early API access program! Previously, it was necessary to allow Support to access your dashboard, and then to make a special request to have the opt-in applied to your organization, and leaving the program for an org required contacting support. No more! Please see the How do I join or leave the program? section of the OP for more info.

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