Traffic Shaping Uplink Bandwidth setting with Template

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Traffic Shaping Uplink Bandwidth setting with Template


  I discovered a weird behavior of the 

If I have a network bound to a template and query the network for the configured bandwidth I got different results if settings have been changed locally or not.
Case 1: Query network bound to template and no local modification
  the API returns what seems a default value of 600Mbps for the up and down limit, querying the template gives the correct value.
Case 2: Query network bound to template with local modification
   the API returns the correct modified value, querying the template returns the correct default value.
From the dashboard settings page I can see and manage the values correctly.
Now the issue is how should I understand from API if I need to query the template or the network to get the correct value?
I expect to retrieve the correct value querying the network, the API should return template value if no local modification is in place.
4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I have a ticket open for that. No ETA yet. Been opened for the last year.

Getting noticed

I've had a open since 4/26/2020 about that end point returning inconsistent results. I run a weekly report and every week there are usually about 100 of our 600 networks that return 500 for all the values.  I haven't spot checked it recently, but previously, a network where that happens one week would show the correct values the following week.  But every week it is always around100 networks that show the incorrect values.  No progress so far on this issue.

I just got a reply on my case today. They changed the endpoint description to hide the behavior. 



Getting noticed

I just asked for an update on my case.  The latest note in it from January 2022 from Meraki Support was they are still waiting to hear from the developers. What's sad is when I first raised awareness about this issue in the forum, a Meraki engineer on the forum said it is not an API bug, but how they are reading the data.  He said he added a note to my case, but I never saw it.  Perhaps, it was in an internally visible only field.  I've checked it using the interactive documentation and get the same result.  Maybe now with multiple people raising the issue, we can get some actual traction on it.  If the can't provide reliable data to with that API endpoint, they should disable that endpoint until they fix it.  

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