Timestamp Snapshot inside Second

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Timestamp Snapshot inside Second

Hello Guys,

I'm trying capture 5 snapshots inside a second. I would like a help to understand how Meraki divide second to create my timestamp. 


I am using timestamp according the documentation with ISO 8601 format.


See this case:

timestamp: 2019-12-19T14:45:18-03:00


Well, inside of 18 second I would like capture 5 frames. How should I format my timestamp to target this result?

8 Replies 8
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The format I have used is like this:


The last three digits are milliseconds.  So you would want milliseconds something like:






Tks Philip

Maybe I am with a problem here. I did it, but all links generated came with the same frame as the second 18.


I have used the following timestamps:







And all frames returned was equal to the 2019-12-19T17:45:18.000Z timestamp.


I am using the Postman to test this feature.

Have you got motion retention enabled so it keeps all footage for three days and then removes video with no motion? 

If so, is your request within the last three days?


You could also look at increasing the frame rate you are recording at. 

There were some big fixes in the V4 firmware.  If you are not using that you could consider upgrading. 

I will try upgrade my firmware. After that I will let you know if its works.

I did the upgrade and the situation is the same.

It is not my case.

Comes here often

I still with this problem. Any knows how can I solve it?

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