Splash message when we block wireless access

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Splash message when we block wireless access



I am trying to find the API call for putting in the splash message when we block a wireless user.




I can check the state of the wireless device:

my_policy = dashboard.clients.getNetworkClientPolicy(my_network_id,client_id)
{'mac': '48:89:e7:de:8b:9a', 'type': 'Blocked'}

But where can i find that message, and how do i change or add a message...


I need the API call for that (or HTML request, then i create my own call)


Best regards



7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Check out the APIv1 endpoint POST /networks/{networkId}/clients/provision



For APIv0: https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api/#!provision-network-clients

LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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I check the page (we are still using V0) but cannot find anything that looks like sending the reason why we blocked the device.


Best regards



In Network-Wide -> Configure -> General, you can set a default block message for the network. This should then appear, when you provision the network client.




Unfortunately, I don't think there is an endpoint for updating it, so you'll probably have to set the default message, manually.

Also, if you need a special message for at certain client, you'll probably need to set it manually, aswell.


Hope that helps. 🙂

LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Still looking for a way to change that blocked message. Can't find an API for the general nor the user message

If there was a way to create a policy with a message , then i would do it like that


I know some things can only be changed using the web page and not the API unfortunatlt



Can you not use the Default block message, by setting it manually, to "Please see servicedesk", and then use the Provision Network Clients endpoint, setting the client to Blocked?
LinkedIn ::: https://blog.rhbirkelund.dk/

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Hi There,


Of course we can, however we have about 300+ networks.... Changing it using API is just a loop with Meraki API.

If there is gonna be a change in message, we have to do it all over again.....


That is why i would like the API instead of manual labour



New here

Could you please confirm if there is any API endpoint for this splash message updation. we have a requirement to update splash message unique to mac address

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