Profile Creation using SM APIs (Systems Manager), DashBoard APIs

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Profile Creation using SM APIs (Systems Manager), DashBoard APIs

As of today there is an API available which can read available profiles and tag those profiles to respective devices. In large deployment with 2000+ devices where each device has to allocate unique profile it is very difficult to create such huge number profiles using dashboard. 

4 Replies 4
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I don't know the answer, but I suspect creating a "per-device" profile on such a large scale could eventually break the dashboard.  I don't think it was envisaged to work in this way.

I think you will find no MDM is designed to support that many profiles. Not only that troubleshooting would be a nightmare. 


What is the unique information that you need a seperate profile for every device? 

Each device connected to its dedicated access point and hence the need of unique profiles. As of today we already have those profiles created from dashboard. What I need is to create it using API to save time.

We have more than 6000 devices. We have distributed in 5 networks as Meraki suggest to have <=2000 device profiles in any network.

Screenshot 2023-05-07 at 2.46.22 PM.png

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