Postman Updated with JSON Magic visualization

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Postman Updated with JSON Magic visualization

JSON Magic

a Postman Visualization for the Meraki API Collection

We just made some nice updates to the Postman collection, enabling a simpler way to view, transform and export the data. 


What does it do?

Allows Postman users to select "Visualize" and have their complex JSON turn into a beautiful spreadsheet.


Who's it for?

Anybody who has a Meraki API key, a free copy of Postman, and would like to easily generate their own reports using hundreds of API operations.


How do I get it?

Just use the Meraki Postman Collection.



Quick Start Guide


  1. Collect Data:
    • Send a Postman API request using the Meraki Postman Collection.
  2. Visualize Data:
    • Select the Visualize button in the response toolbar to display the data in table format
  3. Transform Data:
    • Click the Transform JSON button to write a custom expression to manipulate the data.
  4. Copy CSV:
    • You can easily copy the CSV table into your clipboard and then paste it into a spreadsheet for further analysis.



Example JSONata Expressions


Here's a quick look at what you can do with JSONata expressions.


Source Data

        "occurredAt": "2024-07-12T08:14:47Z",
        "alertTypeId": "motion_alert",
        "device": {
            "name": "Home - Front Door",
            "serial": "Q2FV-PF2X-XXXX",
            "model": "MV12WE"
        "alertData": {
            "imageUrl": ""


Basic Transformations

  1. Extract Device Names:



    ["Home - Front Door"]
  2. Extract Unique Device Models:

    $.device.model ~> $distinct


  3. Filter Alerts by a Specific Type:



            "occurredAt": "2024-07-12T08:14:47Z",
            "alertTypeId": "motion_alert",
  4. Count the Number of Alerts:



  5. Summarize Alerts by Destination Type:
        "email": $count($,
        "push": $count($.destinations.push),
        "sms": $count($.destinations.sms),
        "webhook": $count($.destinations.webhook)
        "email": 1,
        "push": 1,
        "sms": 1,
        "webhook": 1



Get the Meraki Postman Collection to easily interact with the API and quickly generate reports.

1 Reply 1
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

Nice!  I use a completely separate tool just to do this now (copy and paste the JSON and then visualise it).

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