Meraki Postman Collection Updates

What's New?
The Meraki Postman Collection is now built with our OpenAPI v3 specification!

Taking advantage of our new OASv3 specification for the Dashboard API, we've been able to give our Postman Collection some love.
Navigation changes
We've improved the overall navigation tree to better align with the official API Docs.
- General folder renamed to platform
- Administered folder moved from products to platform
- This folder contains administrative functions outside of the organization and not related to any specific product
- Requests are now listed by operationId instead of their description.
- Developing with an SDK often uses the operationId and being able to search on that should make it easier to find the resource you need.
New Format
 | Old Format
Bearer authentication
- Adopting industry standards and setting the Authorization header to Bearer Token.
(learn more about Meraki API Auth here)

Follow Authorization header redirect settings
- Set to off as default. this is no longer required for Dashboard API v1 and will improve the security of the collection.

Bug fixes
- Collection Variables have been simplified to only include the baseUrl. Personal environments can be leveraged to define additional variables.

We hope you find the new updates helpful. Let us know in the comments.
Learn more
Meraki Postman Docs
Dashboard API v1 Collection