Trying to get the ping to result below, but I'm getting the result.
{'pingId': '766174886620948907', 'url': '/devices/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX/liveTools/ping/766174886620948907', 'request': {'serial': 'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX', 'target': '', 'count': '2'}, 'status': 'ready'}
From the API result in this URL!get-device-live-tools-ping
I suppose to get a full body of the ping result? with thing like "loss": { "percentage": 0 },
I'm not getting that. Am I missing anything?
Here is my code.
Clients = dashboard.networks.getNetworkClients(
network_id, total_pages='all') # get a client list of the network
my_dict = {}
for client in Clients:
serial = my_dict.get('recentDeviceSerial') # get the serial number
target = str(my_dict.get('ip')) # get the IP address
ping_resp1 = dashboard.devices.createDeviceLiveToolsPing(serial, target, count=2) # create ping
pingid = ping_resp1.get('pingId') ## get the ping ID
ping_resp2 = dashboard.devices.getDeviceLiveToolsPing(serial, pingid) ### get ping result