When making the API call for the organization configuration changes, using the demo API key, I'm looking for all the changes made in the past year (the largest timespan possible) and using the highest/default entries per page of 5000. I'm specifying the t0 and t1 one values in "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss" format (I've also tried using the Epoch Unix in seconds. I'm not sure if one is better than the other). I'm receiving valid responses and checking the headers for a "rel=next" link for the next page and using that URL for my next request, until there is no more next page links. The issues I'm having are as follows:
- often a next page is available, even when the first page contains fewer than 5000 entries
- on occasion, the next page will return headers with identical links, resulting in an infinite loop
Are these errors on my end or is there a flaw in the API?