{"logs":[{"DEBUG cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 03:43":{"core.restRequest()":{"query":"/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1","error":"REST Error:\\n path=\\\"https://community.meraki.com/yuzje69629/restapi/vc/categories/id/Choosing-Your-Ideal-MT-Sensors/nodes/count?restapi.response_format=json&restapi.response_style=view&restapi.format_detail=full_list_element&message_viewer.topic_sort_order=last_post_date&message_viewer.message_sort_order=thread_ascending&nested.page=1&restapi.response_style=view\\\"\\n status=\\\"error\\\"\\n code=\\\"101\\\"\\n message=\\\"No category with the specified dispid.\\\"\\n\\n----\\nFTL stack trace (\\\"~\\\" means nesting-related):\\n\\t- Failed at: #local response = rest(query) [in template \\\"core.ftl\\\" in function \\\"restRequest\\\" at line 2241, column 49]\\n\\t~ Reached through: #nested [in template \\\"core.component.ftl\\\" in macro \\\"cmp\\\" at line 77, column 33]\\n\\t~ Reached through: @cmp o={\\\"debug\\\": false, \\\"debuginfo\\\": ... [in template \\\"cmp.magnetic-navigation\\\" at line 6, column 1]\\n----"}}}],"errors":[{"ERROR cmp.magnetic-navigation on 2025/03/06 03:43":""}]}  

Not getting full results when running API's

Comes here often

Not getting full results when running API's

 I'm having issues getting all the results when running API calls when I run them via the developer site and Postman.  When I run "Get Organization Devices" its not displaying all devices (2100+).  I tried the per-page param to 50 (max) and I'm still missing data.  Any suggestions?  

7 Replies 7
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The call https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/get-organization-devices/ has a default (and maximum) per-page limit of 1,000. If you set it to 50 you'll only get 50 per page.


If there are more devices than will fit onto the page, you need to make further calls (following the pagination handling rules) to get the remaining page(s) of data.


With 2,100 devices it'll be at least 3 pages of data.


If you use the Python library it can handle pagination for you, otherwise you'd need to arrange it yourself.


Python library: https://github.com/meraki/dashboard-api-python


Pagination: https://developer.cisco.com/meraki/api-v1/pagination/


Comes here often

Thanks for the quick reply sungod. 


I looked into the Pagination but the only 2 categories it shows for the startingafter parameter are "Timestamps" and "Interger IDs".  The endpoint is showing that its looking for a string.  Any idea what they're looking for?

Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

The values needed to navigate subsequent pages are in the link headers returned by the call.


It's explained in the documentation page I linked, look at the 'Example' section.


I.e. you need to select/parse the link headers, or take the easy way out and just use the Python Library 😀


Comes here often

I'm sure once it would be easier once I figure out Python Library (which I never used before).  I'm getting SSL errors when trying to run it with Python.


Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

As a tip, I've found Google Bard good at writing Python scripts to use the Meraki API.  I'm now at the point where if I need to create something, I start with Google Bard and take it from there.  It's just a faster way to develop.




Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

If you are running on Windows and getting SSL problems this thread might help...




I don't use it on Windows, but others do, so probably someone else can help you if the above thread doesn't resolve it.


Comes here often

I appreciate everyone's response to this thread.   


I tried the link you sent over sungod, I did the following and I'm still getting a cert error:

-  exported the cert from the portal and saved it locally

-  ran the verify command (verify="c:\temp\nameofcert.crt")


I even tried verify=False which still gave me the same SSL Cert error.  

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