Network backup/restore via API - "cannot add network... it probably already exist"

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Network backup/restore via API - "cannot add network... it probably already exist"

Hello there,


sorry in advance if it's not the correct place for this question, I'm not a dev so be patient 🙂

I just started experimenting with API and I'm trying to restore a single network from a different organization.

Backup is fine but trying to restore I'm getting stuck with the error "cannot add network".

Devices from the old network/org are unclaimed and I deleted the network, I changed also the network name but with no luck.

I'm using PHP 3.8 with the latest meraki_sdk available.

Any suggestion?


2 Replies 2
New here

Sorry, solved by myself.

Were using V0 API.

Here to help

Are you using the to restore the backup from one org to another org?  I'm getting hang up on the syntax of the command.  The command runs but nothing is being restored.   How did you do your back up and restore?

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