Network Device Loss and Latency History - response is empty []

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Network Device Loss and Latency History - response is empty []

I am very new to the Meraki API, and am trying to get the latency for a specific device, but when I ran the request it returns an empty list, even though the response is 200. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Here's my code: 


headers = {
        'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': MERAKI_API_KEY,


r = requests.get(f"{net_id}/devices/{serial_num}/lossAndLatencyHistory?uplink=wan1&ip=", headers=headers)
<Response [200]>
network id and serial are  stored in those variables, and the ip address is different. 
I appreciate any help.



4 Replies 4
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Hi there,


I think you require also the timespan as a parameter. I use the same calls with API in python. I get the right result.

I put a part of my python code in it... Maybe you can use it. 



        my_serial = my_device['serial']
        my_dest = {}

        # Get destination IP address which it pings

        my_dst_mon = dashboard.connectivity_monitoring_destinations.getNetworkConnectivityMonitoringDestinations(my_network_id)
        my_dest = my_dst_mon['destinations']

            my_device_name = my_device['name']
            my_device_name = my_device['serial']
        # Get first destination IP address

        for i in my_dest:
            my_dst_ip = i['ip']
        param = {}
        param['timespan'] = 200
        my_latency_results = dashboard.devices.getNetworkDeviceLossAndLatencyHistory(my_network_id,my_serial,my_dst_ip,**param)
        my_network_uplink = dashboard.uplink_settings.getNetworkUplinkSettings(my_network_id)
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On small addition....


with the line added 


my_latency = my_latency_results[-1]
You get the latest latency record
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

You'll also need to convert the reply, since it is returning an object with json. Try including this;


import json

from pprint import pprint




r = requests(...)

if r.status_code == 200:

   rjson = r.json()



   raise SystemExit(f"Unexpected status code {r.status_code}")


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actually, there is no need for that... 


If you do a




Then you get all the results

If you use 


my_latency = my_latency_results[-1]

print(my_latency) then you get the latest result which might look like this


    "startTime": "2018-10-09T22:20:27Z",
    "endTime": "2018-10-09T22:21:27Z",
    "lossPercent": 0,
    "latencyMs": 44


and the latency = my_latency['latencyMs']

and loss will be : loss = my_latency['lossPercent']


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