we have the meraki and pagerduty integration working
using the custom code provided by cisco for the event transformation.
we are using the "shared secret" as a filter for incoming alerts.
now we are wanting to hide from the incident payload so that users/ticket do not see the "shared secret"
anyone have any luck in doing this? we have tried the splice function and it did not work...
here is the current code:
/ Consume Meraki Alert via Webhook
var body = PD.inputRequest.body;
// Set Alert Severity
var severity = "warning";
// critical
// error
// warning
// info
// unknown
if(body.alertType == "Settings changed") {severity = "info";}
if(body.alertType == "Motion detected") {severity = "info";}
if(body.alertType == "Network usage alert") {severity = "warning";}
if(body.alertType == "APs went down") {severity = "critical";}
if(body.alertType == "Uplink status changed" && !body.alertData.uplink) {severity = "critical";}
var event_type = "PD.Trigger";
//PD.Trigger - use this event type to trigger a new event
//PD.Resolve - use this event type to resolve a triggered incident
//PD.Acknowledge - use this event type to acknowledge a triggered incident
//if (body.alertType == "APs came up") {event_type="PD.Resolve";}
//var title = body.alertType+": "+body.networkName;
var description = body.alertType+": "+body.networkName;
// Format payload
var cef_event = {
event_type: event_type,
//title: title,
description: description,
severity: severity,
source_origin: body.networkId,
dedup_key: body.alertId,
service_group: body.organizationId,
event_action: PD.Trigger,
details: body
// Check secret and store event
const SECRET = "xxx123";
if(body.sharedSecret == SECRET){