Meraki Robust Transformer having issues and not loading data into CI table


Meraki Robust Transformer having issues and not loading data into CI table

I am running the Meraki Data Source - SG-MerakiDevices, and once the data gets loaded into the Data Source table, the Robust Transformer is failing and throwing the following error which I attached

Do we need to change anything in the Robust Transformer to get it to work? If so, what modifications are required?
Below are the references images for Datasource and Robust Transformer



5 Replies 5
Kind of a big deal
Kind of a big deal

I have no idea what this is about, but the issue is with an unexpected null.


Can you transform that into a 0 or something, or test for a null and act on that?


This is happening while I am running Robust Transformer for Meraki Devices

I am trying to find which column is generating null, but not able to find it in logs..


Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Is this about the ServiceNow graph connector?


Yes, It is Service graph Connector


i am trying to run SG-Meraki Devices Data source and after that triggering RobustTransformer but getting the above error 

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Which version of the connector are you using?

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