Meraki API more columns required

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Meraki API more columns required

Hi All,


How are you all doing?


I am trying to generate more information from the Meraki API at the moment have been able to generate a few columns but at the moment I need more information but unable to retrieve them.


At the moment, I just want to confirm if there's a way to generate the below columns for each laptop from our Meraki API


Name (Asset number)
OS build
Last Boot
Last User


Disk Space


However, it is the laptops in System manager that I am are trying to extract rather than the network switches etc.


I have used all the below:- 







Please, I will really appreciate your assistance. I hope I get positive feedback.


Kind regards,







2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

I think you need to look more deeply into the SM Monitor endpoints


I noticed for disk space, which is one of your asks, you need getNetworkSmDevicePerformanceHistory!get-network-sm-device-performance-history 

it doesn't look to me like there are endpoints yet for all of the variables you want.


Have you tried just exporting a CSV out of SM in Dashboard?

Thank you for the response. Will try doing the CSV part and let you know I get on. 


Really appreciate your assistance.





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