Is there a way to disable the logging every time I run a script. It prints out to my console and creates a file.
this is what is being printed to my console The only thing I want to print out is the last 3 lines which is in red
2020-10-14 21:32:18 meraki: INFO > Meraki dashboard API session initialized with these parameters: {'version': '1.1.0', 'api_key': '************************************795d', 'base_url': '', 'single_request_timeout': 60, 'certificate_path': '', 'requests_proxy': '', 'wait_on_rate_limit': True, 'nginx_429_retry_wait_time': 60, 'action_batch_retry_wait_time': 60, 'retry_4xx_error': False, 'retry_4xx_error_wait_time': 60, 'maximum_retries': 2, 'simulate': False, 'be_geo_id': None, 'caller': None}
2020-10-14 21:32:18 meraki: INFO > GET
2020-10-14 21:32:23 meraki: INFO > organizations, getOrganizationNetworks; page 1 - 200 OK
Please enter the network id: 23456
We can go to upate the firewall