HELP: Wireless overview API Endpoints


HELP: Wireless overview API Endpoints

hi guys. does anyone knows the API endpoints to get these from "Wireless overview" ?

- Connection health (Failed clients, Time to connect, Roaming)

- Performance health (Latency, Packet loss, Signal quality SNR)

- Network service health (Radius success, DHCP success, DNS success)


thank you in advance

2 Replies 2
Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Did you find the search window, top left of the API documentation page?

'health' for example quickly offered up:


FYI, just because some stats may appear in the Dashboard in a certain way, don't assume there's necessarily a direct path to exactly the same stat via the API

Meraki Employee
Meraki Employee

Searching the docs I can find a few that are related to packet counts (e.g. loss).

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